Friday, September 10, 2010

World Habitats

Animals and Plants survive in an immense variety of habitats, from the frozen Arctic to tropical rain-forests near the equator.

Polar Regions:

The areas immediately around the North and South Poles are frozen deserts, but move a little further out and plenty of animals live with the ice.

Cool Forests:

Parts of the world have seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter, It is an environment in which broad-leaved, or deciduous, trees flourish.


In areas of land near the equator, it is hot and humid.  This is where you will find the tropical rain forests,  full of colorful plants and animals.


There are about 10,800 species of grass.  Huge areas of grasslands attradct grass-eating animals, which attract predators such as lions and cheetahs.


One- seventh of all land is desert.  At first sight a desert may seem barren,  But desert plants and animals have some surprising ways of surviving.

Mountains and caves:

Mountains cover five per cent of all land. Plants and animals living on a mountain have to cope with less oxygen, severe cold, and strong winds.

Fresh Water:

The world is full of freshwater lakes, rivers, and streams, all fed by rainwater.  These habitats attract all sorts of insects, animals, and plants.


Earth is largely made up of oceans.  Animals and some plants flourish in this salty world. Most sea life is found n shallow water and around coral reefs.

Towns and Cities:

 From mosses growing in brick walls to rats rooting through our rubbish, many plants and animals have settled in our towns and cities.

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